The Anime Meitou “Isekai no Yu” Kaitaku-ki ~Arafou Onsen Mania no Tensei Saki wa, Nonbiri Onsen Tengoku Deshita~ Episode 3 English Subbed released HD video quality at Anime Take. Let’s watch and enjoy Meitou “Isekai no Yu” Kaitaku-ki ~Arafou Onsen Mania no Tensei Saki wa, Nonbiri Onsen Tengoku Deshita~ Episode 3 and many other episodes of Meitou “Isekai no Yu” Kaitaku-ki ~Arafou Onsen Mania no Tensei Saki wa, Nonbiri Onsen Tengoku Deshita~ with Full HD for FREE. Check out all of our free anime series online by clicking on AnimeTake.
Meitou "Isekai no Yu" Kaitakuki: Around 40 Onsen Mania no Tensei Saki wa, Nonbiri Onsen Tengoku deshita
Meitou "Isekai no Yu" Kaitakuki: Arafoo 40 Onsen Mania no Tensei Saki wa, Nonbiri Onsen Tengoku deshita, Isekai Onsen Paradise, 名湯『異世界の湯』開拓記 ~アラフォー温泉マニアの転生先は、のんびり温泉天国でした~
Status: Upcoming Studio: BloomZ, Wolfsbane Released: 2024 Season: Winter 2024 Type: TV Censor: Censored Director: Mine Tomonori Casts: Koito Ria, Kuramochi Kyouko, Miyake Marie, Miyase Mariko, Miyazaki Akari, Tokiwa Shouhei
Yoshizou Yukawa is a passionate hot springs enthusiast—a hot springs hunter who was able to sniff out the source of springs. One day, while searching for a hidden hot spring to revitalize a town, he slips off a cliff and dies. He is then reincarnated into another world by an Inari deity of a small shrine hidden in the rocks. Yoshizou is joined by Inari's messenger princess, Mayudama. The hot spring hunter within Yoshizou is stirred right away, as he takes a bath with Mayudama in the hot spring he just discovered. Then, an elf girl appears...
(Source: MAL News)